As someone who’s worked in software product development for more years than I care to admit (buy me a drink and I’ll tell you how many), I’ve developed a deep understanding of the industry. This makes me the rare go-to subject matter expert who can create articles and white papers, turning information into useful copy that sells products and informs customers.
My approach is not canned, nor do I offer silver bullets, or one size fits all solutions. Rather, I make sure I understand your unique situation and identify the helpful techniques and approaches that need to be conveyed to your audience. This also means I balance the SEO-optimized content you need, with the engaging customer-facing language that gets people to actually read it (which is the point).
Because I’ve been around the blockchain, I’m fluent in agile, frenetic and uber fast paced environments and yet, have somehow remained unflappable. My knowledge extends through developing products for a variety of industries including retail, fintech, agriculture, financial services, health insurance, nonprofit, and automotive, but I’ve yet to find one I couldn’t grok.
I’ve both worked inside organizations and founded my own consulting firm, which led to my broader interest in helping teams and organizations get more done by doing less. Too many enterprises fall prey to the churn and burn style of content, but I believe that the more quality and targeted content you deliver, the more engaged your audience.
Because I’m not busy enough, I’ve also written three books on agility within product development: How To Be An Agile Business Analyst and Beyond Requirements: Analysis with an Agile Mindset and Stand Back and Deliver: Accelerating Business Agility.
However, when I’m not facedown on a keyboard writing or product managing, I’m #ubersherpa for my family, listening to jazz and podcasts (but not necessarily podcasts about jazz), and am currently trying to visit every National Park (we’re at 52 out of 63).
If you want to talk jazz (my favorite is Michael Brecker) or tell me your favorite National Park, or if you need someone to develop your content, let’s talk.
For a bit more on my outlook on entrepreneurship, checkout my interview on GoSolo.